
Google Ads

Thousands of people search for companies like yours. Advertise on Google today.

We maximize the return on your investment in Google!

Google Ads, or also commonly known as PPC or Google Adwords, allows you to advertise both on Google and on its network of properties such as YouTube, Maps, Gmail, and also on third-party sites and apps such as Olé, Clarín, among others.
It is the most chosen channel to generate quality traffic, reaching users at the moment they are looking for your product or service.
There is no minimum investment and you only pay when people click on your ads. A daily budget can be set and your ads start appearing in search results immediately.

What We Do?

Search Ads

Search campaigns with keywords relevant to your business to appear when customers search for your services through Google.

Shopping Ads

Shopping campaign in which we integrate your product catalog with Google to show the exact product that the user is looking for on the Google results page. Both the image of the product and its current price appear.

Dynamic Display Ads

Display campaigns aimed at closing the purchase process of users who have already interacted with your site and did not buy. Both the product that generated interest by the user and some personalized recommendations are displayed.

Youtube Video Ads

Video campaigns on the platform with the highest video consumption. We generally use them for branding campaigns to generate ad recall, since it allows us to efficiently reach massive audiences with our ads.

Mobile App Installs

Ads aimed at maximizing downloads and conversions in apps, both Android and iOS.

Do you want to take your business to the next level?

Why PowerDigital?

Product Experience

We are product experts. We know how to optimize your site and flows to increase the conversion of your website.

We work the whole Longtail of keywords

At the moment we do not know of any agency that works with the quantity and quality of keywords that we work with. We have in-house developments that allow us to scale up to 5X the specific words that are not usually returned by the tools used by agencies.

We maximize the Quality Score

It is a relevance metric calculated by Google, the higher it is, the less you pay per click. We maximize it by optimizing your campaign structure and your website.

Agile methodologies

We are 100% results-oriented, so we continuously measure, experiment and learn to make your investment more and more efficient.

Some Companies and Startups that trust us

Interested in our services?

We bring a personal and effective approach to every project we work on. We would love to hear about your business.

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